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Merge Sort (Divide and Conquer)

Divide and Conquer type of algorithms. We split the array into two sub-arrays until you reach the smallest possible sub-arrays (from 1 element), then merge them back, while sorting. The Time Complexity is O(N log(N), which is relatively fast.

!!! Divide and Conquer ==> Recursion !!!


You split the array in halves until you reach the smallest possible sub -arrays, then merge them back, while ordering elements from min to max.


MergeSort(arr[], l, r) If r > l

  1. Find the middle of the array: m = (l+r)/2
  2. Invoke mergeSort(arr, l, m) for the first half
  3. Invoke mergeSort(arr, l, m) for the second half
  4. Merge them back, while ordering elements from min to max.

Runtime Characteristics

Relatively fast - O(nlog(n))


  • Pretty efficient sorting algorithm - O(n log(n))
  • Can be used for external sorting (when memory is not enough, you may use external memory (like HDD or smth else))
  • Highly parallelizable
  • Can be used to implement a stable sort


  • Requires extra space (as you are copying and duplicating arrays and it’s content)


  • Stable
  • Θ(n) extra space for arrays
  • Θ(log(n)) extra space for linked lists
  • Θ(n·log(n)) time
  • Not adaptive - time complexity does not improve under special conditions
  • Does not require random access to data


  • You can combine arrays and sort the elements or to remove duplicates
  • For sorting Linked Lists
  • Inversion Count Problem (to calculate how many inversions should be made to sort an array)
  • External sorting - External sorting is a class of sorting algorithms that can handle massive amounts of data. External sorting is required when the data being sorted do not fit into the main memory of a computing device (usually RAM) and instead they must reside in the slower external memory, usually a hard disk drive.

Animations, illustrating the algorithm

Merge sort steps

Merge sort


import java.util.Arrays;

public class MergeSort {

    public static int[] sort(int[] arr) {
            if (arr == null || arr.length < 2) {
                return arr;
            int mid = arr.length / 2;
            int[] leftArr = sort(Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, 0, mid));
            int[] rightArr = sort(Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, mid, arr.length));
            return mergeArrays(leftArr, rightArr);
        private static int[] mergeArrays(int[] a1, int[] a2) {
            int[] merged = new int[a1.length + a2.length];
            int idx1 = 0;
            int idx2 = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < merged.length; i++) {
                if (idx1 == a1.length) { // copy a2
                    while (i < merged.length) {
                        merged[i] = a2[idx2];
                } else if (idx2 == a2.length) { // copy a1
                    while (i < merged.length) {
                        merged[i] = a1[idx1];
                } else {
                    if (a1[idx1] < a2[idx2]) {
                        merged[i] = a1[idx1];
                    } else {
                        merged[i] = a2[idx2];
            return merged;


Initial: [9, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 7]
Merged: [1, 6]
Merged: [1, 6, 9]
Merged: [2, 5]
Merged: [3, 7]
Merged: [2, 3, 5, 7]
Merged: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]
Sorted:  [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]

Very Cool Animations from Toptal

Merge Sort in Wikipedia

Merge Sort Hackerearth Visualizer