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Algorithms & Common Tasks (Linked Lists)

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Mostly loop detection algorithms.

Table of contents

  1. Algorithms & Common Tasks (Linked Lists)
    1. 1). Loop Detection Algorithms
      1. 1.1). Floyd’s Cycle-Finding Algorithm - O(N)
      2. 1.2). Hashing - O(N)
      3. 1.3). Mark Visited Nodes - O(N)
    2. 2). Find length of a loop in linked list
    3. 3). Detect if is a Circular Linked List
    4. 4). Detect and remove loop form a linked list

1). Loop Detection Algorithms

Here are 3 different approaches you can use:

1.1). Floyd’s Cycle-Finding Algorithm - O(N)

The algorithm is also known as Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare.

You need 2 pointers (slow and fast), both starting from the same node. The slow pointer moves with a step = 1 (Tortoise) The fast pointer moves with a step = 2 (Hare). If the pointers meet, then there is a cycle. If they don’t meet and some of them reaches the end instead (null), then there is no cycle.

This is the preferred approach.

Example Sequence:

1 2 3 4 5 1
Position Slow Pointer Position (+1 Step) Fast Pointer Position (+2 Steps)
Initial 1 (+ 1) 1 (+ 2)
Moving 2 (+ 1) 3 (+ 2)
Moving 3 (+ 1) 5 (+ 2)
Moving 4 (+ 1) 2 (+ 2)
Moving 5 (+ 1) 4 (+ 2)
Cycle Found 1 (+ 1) 1 (+ 2)
  • Implementation:
      public boolean detectLoop() {
          // both start from the same place
          Node slow = this.root; 
          Node fast = this.root;
          // while some of them reaches the end
          while (fast != null && != null) {
              slow =;          // 1 step
              fast =;     // 2 steps
              if (slow == fast) { // they met => there is a cycle
                  return true; 
          return false;  // fast reached null, so there is no loop
  • Example:
1 5 4 3 2 1

Start At:   S: 1 | F: 1
Moving:     S: 5 | F: 4
Moving:     S: 4 | F: 2
Moving:     S: 3 | F: 5
Moving:     S: 2 | F: 3
Cycle:      S: 1 | F: 1

1.2). Hashing - O(N)

You can iterate over the nodes and add them in a HashSet. If the node is already added, then there is a cycle.

This is kind of a brute force approach.

1.3). Mark Visited Nodes - O(N)

You need to extend the Node class and add a flag (boolean), which shows if the node is visited. Then you need to iterate through the nodes and if the node is already visited, then there is a cycle.

This is kind of a brute force approach.

2). Find length of a loop in linked list

The best approach is to use Floyd’s Cycle-Finding Algorithm and when you find the node, to iterate through the nodes, until you reach the same node and count the iterations.

3). Detect if is a Circular Linked List

Well, this is a tricky task, because you should not only detect if there is a loop, but you also should keep in mind, that the length of the loop should be equal to the list size.

4). Detect and remove loop form a linked list

Detect the loop using Floyd’s Cycle detection algorithm and get the pointer to a loop node. Count the number of nodes in the loop. Let the count be N. Fix one pointer to the head and another to a Nth node from the head. Move both pointers at the same pace, they will meet at loop starting node. Get a pointer to the last node of the loop and make next of it as NULL.