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Design a vending machine

Design a vending machine, that allows customers to buy different products with coins.

What patterns are going to use? How would you implement it?

Short Analysis

We need a vending machine, that:

  • accepts coins (one by one) and shows the value of the accepted coins
  • accepts a product order, if there are accepted coins
  • releases the unaccepted coin
  • releases the ordered product
  • returns the change (if there is)
  • releases the accepted coins by user request (when “Terminate” button pressed)
  • provides service interface for loading coins/ products
  • provides service interface for withdrawing coins/ products


List all problems, that come to your mind, and we need to solve:

  • We should provide multiple products, that can be bought
  • Each product should have a price
  • We should have starting balance, so that we can return change
  • We should accept different coins
  • We should have a temp balance with the accepted coins, if the product is not released yet
  • We should calculate the total value of the accepted coins
  • We should release all unaccepted coins
  • We should return change, if there is any
  • We should “calculate” how to return change (the combination of coins)
  • We should add the acquire the order balance, when the product is released
  • It should be easy to modify the product list (add or remove products)

Design Patterns we may want to consider


  • You may want to limit the number of instances to 1 and ensure the serial access to the machine.


  • You may use Builder pattern to “construct”/ “initialize” the machine


  • To get an instance of the machine

Abstract Factory

  • If you want to support multiple families of products

Strategy/ Policy

  • To calculate the combination of coins, that form the change
  • To implement security policy (in order to access the machine service interface)


You may use memento, if you want to keep the state in case the power stops ot etc.


  • You may use command to “cover” to issue commands when a button is pressed
  • You can combine command + memento if the power stops and you want to continue when the power is back on

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