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The Observer Design Pattern

The Observer Design Pattern is designed to define one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes its state, all its dependents get notified and updated automatically.

The Observer Pattern is also known as The Dependents Design Pattern or The Publish-Subscribe Pattern.

What problems does it solve?

Defines one-to-many relations between objects and when an objects changes it’s state, all dependents get notified. This way we can easily maintain consistent state of the related objects.


  • Subject - defines an interface for attaching (subscribing/ registering)/ detaching (unsubscribing/ deregistering) and notifying observers; contains a list of observers, that should get notified
  • Observer (Subscriber) - defines an interface for receiving and processing the received notifications
  • Concrete Subject
  • Concrete Observer
  • Message / State - this is the object that will be sent as a notification. It should be an immutable object.
  • Publisher - initiator of the updates/ changes of the subject


  • You can avoid tight coupling between related objects, but you still can keep them in a consistent state
  • Subjects and observers are independent and don’t “know” each other (loose coupling)
  • Subjects and observers can be added or removed without further changes
  • Subjects and observers can be added or removed at anytime even at runtime
  • You can send data to many “receivers”


  • The order, in which the observers get notified is not very precise
  • May cause memory leaks, because subject holds references to observers

Java has a in-built implementation of the Observer pattern, but it’s done through inheritance (java.util.Observable class and java.util.Observer). This is the reason why programmers avoid to use it.

How to recognize it?

When you call a behavioral method which invokes a method on an instance of another abstract/interface type.

Publisher publisher = new Publisher();

Topic sports = publisher.findTopic("sports");
sports.subscribe(new Subscriber("Jon Show"));
sports.subscribe(new Subscriber("Peter Dow"));

publisher.publishUpdate(new Message(sports.getLabel(), "New Volleyball Star", "More info..."));

Examples from Java API

java.util.Observer/java.util.Observable (rarely used in real world though)
All implementations of java.util.EventListener (practically all over Swing thus)


  • When many entities need to receive notifications, when an object has changed or something happened.
  • JMS (Observer + Mediator Pattern)
  • MVC frameworks (model is the subject & views are observers)
  • Message Brokers (like RabbitMQ etc)
  • If you need to notify multiple observers, when something changes

Example 1

We own an online media (Publisher) that publishes news (Messages) on different topics (Subjects). Users (Subscribers/ Observers) can subscribe to a topic and when news on the subscribed topics are published, the users receive notifications.

Source Code

1). Create a message/ notification that will be send to the subscribers

 * The Notification/ Update (Immutable object)
public class Message {

    private String topic;

    private String title;

    private String content;

    public Message(String topic, String title, String content) {
        this.topic = topic;
        this.title = title;
        this.content = content;

2). Create an abstract observer, that “knows” how to receive messages

 * The Abstract Observer
public interface Observer {

    void receive(Message message);

3). Create an abstract subject, that “knows” how to subscribe/ unsubscribe subscribers and how to send them messages

 * The Abstract Subject
public abstract class Subject {

    private Set<Observer> subscribers = new HashSet<>();

    private String label;

    public Subject(String label) {
        this.label = label;

    void subscribe(Observer observer) {

    void unsubscribe(Observer observer) {

    void notifySubscribers(Message message) {
        System.out.println("======= " + this.label + "=====");
        for (Observer observer : this.subscribers) {


4). Create a concrete observer (subscriber). In our case we will have registered subscribers, that have user names.

 * The Concrete Observer
public class Subscriber implements Observer {

    private String username;

    public Subscriber(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    public void receive(Message message) {
        System.out.println("< New message received by " + this.username + " > " + message);

5). Create a concrete subject, in our case we have topics

 * The Concrete Subject
public class Topic extends Subject {

    public Topic(String label) {

6). We need a publisher, who publishes (generates) messages on different topics

 * The Initiator of the updates/ notifications
public class Publisher {

    private Map<String, Topic> topics = new HashMap<>();

    public void publishUpdate(Message message) {

    public Topic findTopic(String topicLabel) {
        if (this.topics.get(topicLabel) == null) {
            this.topics.put(topicLabel, new Topic(topicLabel));
        return this.topics.get(topicLabel);

7). A demo class

public class _Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Publisher publisher = new Publisher();

        Subscriber jonShow = new Subscriber("Jon Show");
        Subscriber violet = new Subscriber("Violet Dean");
        Subscriber peter = new Subscriber("Peter Dow");

        Topic sports = publisher.findTopic("sports");

        Topic hiTech = publisher.findTopic("hi-tech");

        publisher.publishUpdate(new Message(sports.getLabel(), "New Volleyball Star", "More info..."));
        publisher.publishUpdate(new Message(hiTech.getLabel(), "AI arises", "Super smart AI invented..."));

        publisher.publishUpdate(new Message(hiTech.getLabel(), "The smallest chip ever", "Read further..."));


======= sports=====
< New message received by Jon Show > Message(topic=sports, title=New Volleyball Star, content=More info...)

======= hi-tech=====
< New message received by Violet Dean > Message(topic=hi-tech, title=AI arises, content=Super smart AI invented...)
< New message received by Peter Dow > Message(topic=hi-tech, title=AI arises, content=Super smart AI invented...)
< New message received by Jon Show > Message(topic=hi-tech, title=AI arises, content=Super smart AI invented...)

======= hi-tech=====
< New message received by Violet Dean > Message(topic=hi-tech, title=The smallest chip ever, content=Read further...)
< New message received by Jon Show > Message(topic=hi-tech, title=The smallest chip ever, content=Read further...)