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The Composite Design Pattern

The Composite Pattern is designed to build a class hierarchy from primitive and composite objects, that may represent complex structures, but have similar behavior.

What problems does it solve?

The pattern is used to implement a tree-like, hierarchical structure of elements, that have same behavior. The elements can be primitive (leafs) or composite objects. Composite objects have children, which might be leafs or composite objects.


  • Composition - the abstraction of the composites and the leafs, their common functionality
  • Leaf - primitive objects in the composition - they implement the composition, but doesn’t have children
  • Composite - composite objects in the composition - they implement the child behavior, bu also have children of type Composition
  • Client - The client operates with the compositions in a general manner. In fact the client doesn’t even know if it’s a leaf or composite.


  • Client knows only about the general behavior off all components and treats them the same way.
  • to decouple client
  • to achieve good level of abstraction


  • It is hard to restrict the components of the composite

How to recognize it?

When you have behavioral methods, that take an instance of same abstract/interface type into and create or process a tree structure.

Folder homeDir = new Folder("Home");

Folder documentsDir = new Folder("Personal Documents");

documentsDir.addChild(new File("CV.doc"));

Examples from Java API

java.awt.Container#add(Component) (practically all over Swing thus)
javax.faces.component.UIComponent#getChildren() (practically all over JSF UI thus)


  • Use it for a tree-like structure, when all elements have some general behavior

  • Like a FileSystem, where you have tree of folders and files and you can move them, delete the etc (general behavior).

Example 1

We have hierarchical folder structure, that may contain other folders in files.

Source Code

1). Entry Interface (our Composition)

public interface Entry {

    String getName();

    void setName(String name);

    void ls(boolean recursive);

2). File Class (our Leaf or Primitive object)

public class File implements Entry {

    private String name;

    public File(String name) { = name;

    public void ls(boolean recursive) {


3). Folder Class (our Composite object, that extends the primitive behavior, but also has children)

public class Folder extends File {

    private List<Entry> children = new ArrayList<>();

    public Folder(String name) {

    public void addChild(Entry child) {
        child.setName(getName() + "\\" + child.getName());

    public void ls(boolean recursive) {
        for (Entry c : this.children) {

4). FileSystemClient class (our client)

public class FSClient {

    public static void ls(Entry entry){;

    public static void lsDeep(Entry entry){;
  1. Main class
    public class _Main {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         Folder homeDir = new Folder("Home");
         Folder documentsDir = new Folder("Personal Documents");
         documentsDir.addChild(new File("CV.doc"));
         documentsDir.addChild(new File("Diplom.pdf"));
         documentsDir.addChild(new File("ID_Photo.png"));
         Folder examsDir = new Folder("Exams");
         Folder examAEDir = new Folder("AE");
         examAEDir.addChild(new File("AE_Book.pdf"));
         examAEDir.addChild(new File("AE_Sample_Tests.pdf"));
         Folder examDEDir = new Folder("DE");
         examDEDir.addChild(new File("DE_Book.pdf"));
         examDEDir.addChild(new File("DE_Sample_Tests.pdf"));


    Home\Personal Documents
    Home\Personal Documents\CV.doc
    Home\Personal Documents\Diplom.pdf
    Home\Personal Documents\ID_Photo.png
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams\AE
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams\AE\AE_Book.pdf
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams\AE\AE_Sample_Tests.pdf
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams\DE
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams\DE\DE_Book.pdf
    Home\Personal Documents\Exams\DE\DE_Sample_Tests.pdf